My mom and I were back at it again this weekend! We drove from Las Vegas to the costal city of Torrance California to be a vendor at the South Bay Quilters Guild quilt show. They had a great turnout with 160+ quilts on display, auction quilts, opportunity quilts, raffle baskets, and vendor booths but they also did something that I've never seen at a quilt show before - hand made don't touch signs! A few years back, they had a challenge for guild members to make these and they've used them year after year throughout their exhibits. They're all so creative! I tried to catch them all, if I missed one, please share it!
The theme of this year's show was "Garden Party". I spotted lots of applique, thread painting, and embellishments going on in this category. My mom's favorite quilt of the whole show was Serene Succulent Garden by Nadine Kirk. Did you notice the hand quilting of the background areas uses sashiko designs to look like a peaceful Japanese sand garden? When my mom comes to a show with me, she always notices the small details and talks about how skilled the quilters are! A big high five to everyone who entered quilts in the show! It takes a lot of time and energy to create a quilt and sometimes quite a bit of courage to share it! Good work!
*Click on any of the images to see them larger. You may have noticed that ribbons are not in the pictures. This show is a viewer's choice only, meaning no judges. The results and winners of each category are going to be announced at the next guild meeting! How fun!