Sometimes I feel like I have a lot of balls in the air and it's nice to have a place for them all. Kanban boards were designed for businesses but they work great as a project and UFO organizer! These boards allow visualization of all the "balls" and their progress towards completion. In this version, the categories along the top of the board are the steps in making a quilt. Each project is written on a post it note and then moved through the categories as the project is worked on. Super helpful to get projects organized and especially to finish them!

Here's what the board would look like if I were making my Broken Moons pattern 12 times...

Download and print the category headers for free when you subscribe to my email list and use the categories that apply to you! Categories include ideas, buy pattern, buy fabric, cut fabric, sew blocks, assemble top, quilt it, at the longarmer, bind it, hang it, love it, gift it, and donate it. Is there another category that you'd add to your project board? Let me know and I'll make the category header for you!

Here's the version I'm using to keep my business and pattern projects going. I drew a faint line with a level then used double sided tape to stick the categories up on the wall to the left of my desk. Having it on hand keeps me on track! I just happen to have purple and yellow post it notes, I wasn't using color to specify anything. When needed, I write dates on my post its too to remind me of deadlines! Share pictures of your project organization board with me! I'd love to see it!
Happy Quilting!
Project board was made using Affinity Designer and Vecteezy.