As I was getting packed up to go to my guild meeting last night, I was feeling sluggish with a bit of dread (yes I'm introverted). I got in the car with that feeling hanging over me and had to stop and turn my feelings around. I thought to myself, "Jen, how freaking amazing is it that there is a quilt guild near you?" (there are THREE quilt guilds here in Las Vegas, NV) and "How freaking lucky are you to have the to opportunity to go?!?" For so many years I have been unable to go because of small kids and work - no longer the case. Plus I have a car and there was gas in the tank! Win, win, win. Then came the thought, "Quilters are so nice and I get to go hang out with them!" Needless to say, I had a great time last night and I do love to spend time with the amazing quilters in my guild.
So here are my top 5 reasons to be a part of a quilt guild...
#5 - Free and discounted quilty things- There are often door prizes at meetings and a lot of guilds have a free table where members donate fabrics, patterns, books, etc that they no longer want. Our guild is starting a lending library to share books, rulers, etc that we still want but are happy to share. AND a lot of quilt shops offer discounts or discount shopping days for guild members.
#4 - Opportunity to give back - It always feels good to do kind acts. Quilt guilds often make charity quilts and they often host charity sew-ins so everyone can work on them together (fun with friends!). This year my guild is donating baby quilts to local NICUs. They use them to cover incubators to decrease the light inside so babies get better sleep. We are also donating quilts to Vegas Strong, a program that helps heal those who were in the mass shooting at a music festival in Las Vegas.
#3 - Opportunity to share your projects with people who understand and appreciate your work - Have you ever shown a quilt project to a friend or family member and their response is a sincere, "That's pretty"? Don't get me wrong, this is nice. But bring that same quilt to your next guild meeting for show and tell and you will not hear the end of it! There will be questions about every detail of construction, where you got your fabrics, how you quilted it, and on and on. Then after the meeting, people will want to see it again up close and want to talk about it some more. That type of encouragement and support feels so good.
#2 - Your craft will develop exponentially! - Being around quilters at all stages in their quilting journey will open your eyes to a deeper understanding of techniques and color. You'll also be introduced to quilty tools, fabrics, and designers that you'll love! You can also bring your questions to the guild and get lots of great answers! In addition to learning from each other, guilds bring in teachers from around the world to teach at classes, retreats, and quilt shows. There is so much opportunity to share and learn.
Just last night, one of the lovely guild members showed off her quilt top and it was so colorful! The discussion immediately began about where she found those bright fabrics...they were from Libs Elliott. Now I had seen some of her quilts, but I had no idea that she designed fabric too and I was thrilled to have this tidbit. (see the fabrics here)
And my number one reason (you've probably guessed it by now)...

#1- The people - Quilters are some of the nicest people on earth and they make incredible friends. Guilds provide the opportunity (meetings, sew-ins, classes, retreats, trips to quilt shows, shopping outings, parties, etc) to spend time together doing something you love.
How to find a guild that works for you?
Most guilds let visitors attend a meeting once or twice without having to join and pay dues. So go to a meeting and see what you think!
If the options are limited in your area, find the guild nearest you to attend. If it's not practical to drive that far, you may be able to go to meetings via zoom or other video chat. Ask them!
The Modern Quilt Guild is a global guild with local branches (and they host QuiltCon). If you go to their about page and scroll down, there is a world map with all the local branches.
Quilt Guilds is a great website to find local guilds by state if you live in the US. Just scroll down on their home page to find your state.
If there are no quilt guilds in your area, then get together with some other quilters and start one! Here's some good resources to get you started: Quilting Hub, Quilt Guilds, Modern Quilt Guild
My 16 year old son loves to make people laugh and he uses the word guild in his "humor for mom" repertoire. It is a strange old word from medieval times but I'm glad it's still in use. Being a part of a quilt guild has brought me some great times, some amazing lifelong friends, and has made me a better quilter.
What guild are you a part of and what do you love about it?
Happy Quilting!
